Re: New failure for 2.4.5

Thanks, Yvette. Iıll update the technique.

The related technique discusses including an image and text in the same a

On 2/22/06 2:14 AM, "Yvette Hoitink" <> wrote:

> Hi Loretta,
> The failure looks OK. Some small remarks:
> *  
> * The description  states that "Often the text and the icon link are rendered
> in separate, adjacent  table cells...". I would prefer "Sometimes" because
> layout tables are being  used less and less now.
> * 
> *  
> I would  like to link to a technique to include an image and a text in the
> same a  element (with null alt text for the image). Do we have that technique
> yet? 
> I would like the  description to point out that CSS is preferred to ensure the
> proper  layout.
> Yvette Hoitink
> Heritas, Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands
> E-mail:
> WWW: <>
>>  From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Loretta Guarino  Reid
>> Sent: woensdag 22 februari 2006 1:03
>> To:
>> Subject: New failure for  2.4.5
>> Iıve  written up the description for the failure due to including duplicate
>> links in different table cells.  Iıd like to include it in this weekıs
>> survey. Does  anyone see any  problems?
>> <>
>> or
>> iple_links_in_a_table_that_point_to_the_same_resource_and_have_the_same_descr
>> iption
>> Loretta Guarino  Reid
>> Adobe  Systems, Acrobat Engineering

Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2006 15:07:30 UTC