RE: Action item: New general techniques for SC 2.4.6

This looks like a good direction to me. 

Loretta Guarino Reid
Adobe Systems, Acrobat Engineering 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-
>] On Behalf Of John M Slatin
> Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 4:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Action item: New general techniques for SC 2.4.6
> I've added two general techniques to the WIKI:
> 1. Providing descriptive titles for delivery units [1]
> 2. Providing descriptive headings [2] (this one
> needsexamples; I'll
> adapt the tests from the existing technique on titles and
> headings)
> As I worked on these, it seemed to me that titles and
> headings present
> slightly different issues that would be best treated in
> separate
> techniques. We can combine them if the team disagrees!
> Haven't yet done the one on descriptive labels.
> If the team likes this direction, we'll need to delete the
> existing
> draft technique on writing descriptive titles and
> headings-- I've
> already "stolen" material from it!!<grin>
> John
> [1]
> descriptive_ti
> tles_for_delivery_units
> [2]
> descriptive_he
> adings
> "Good design is accessible design."
> Dr. John M. Slatin, Director
> Accessibility Institute
> University of Texas at Austin
> FAC 248C
> 1 University Station G9600
> Austin, TX 78712
> ph 512-495-4288, fax 512-495-4524
> email
> Web

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 01:07:27 UTC