Re: Tips for querying the issues

Hi All,

After I sent the instructions Andi mentions below, we added a search 
feature to make listing guideline comments by section a bit easier. 
Check out the second pulldown on the basic search page [1]. You can 
select any section of the guidelines and get a list of issues that 
relate to it.

Hope that helps,



Andi Snow-Weaver wrote:
> Team C,
> Thanks to Ben, I now have some better tips on querying the issues rather
> than just always referring to the big list of Team C issues.
> Use the Advanced Search page [1].
> To search for all issues against a particular guideline, success criteria,
> or technique, you enter the ID for that GL, SC, or technique into the
> "Location" field.
> The list of IDs is at [2].
> For convenience, here are the IDs for our assigned guidelines:
> 1.3 content-structure-separation
> 2.2 time-limits
> 2.5 minimize-error
> 4.1 ensure-compat
> IDs for success criteria all begin with the ID of the guideline. So if you
> search for all issues on content-structure-separation, for instance, you
> will get all issues for GL 1.3 and all its SC.
> All general techniques begin with G, HTML with H, failure with F, etc.
> [1]
> [2]
> Andi

Ben Caldwell | <>
Trace Research and Development Center <>

Received on Friday, 23 June 2006 15:04:26 UTC