Applicability HTML 4.x and XHTML 1.x. Popup windows should be at the user's request, as suddenly opening new windows can disorientate or be missed completely by some users. The target attribute is deleted from HTML 4.01 Strict and XHTML 1.0 Strict, so new windows should be opened using ECMAScript. Ideally, behaviour should be separated from structure, in the same way that presentation is separated from structure with CSS. Example 1 Markup: The script is included in the head of the document, and the link has an id that can be used as a hook by the script. ... Launch New Window Script: // Use traditional event model whilst support for event registration // amongst browsers is poor. window.onload = addHandlers; function addHandlers() { var objAnchor = document.getElementById('newwin'); if (objAnchor) { objAnchor.onclick = function(event){return launchWindow(this, event);} // UAAG requires that user agents handle events in a device-independent manner // but only some browsers do this, so add keyboard event to be sure objAnchor.onkeypress = function(event){return launchWindow(this, event);} } } function launchWindow(objAnchor, objEvent) { var iKeyCode, bSuccess=false; // If the event is from a keyboard, we only want to open the // new window if the user requested the link (return or space) if (objEvent && objEvent.type == 'keypress') { if (objEvent.keyCode) iKeyCode = objEvent.keyCode; else if (objEvent.which) iKeyCode = objEvent.which; // If not return or space, return true so that the user agent // continues to process the action if (iKeyCode != 13 && iKeyCode != 32) return true; } bSuccess =; // If the window didn't open, allow the browser to continue the default // action of opening in the same window if (!bSuccess) return true; // The window was opened, so stop the browser processing further return false; } // End of script Resources All resources I looked at advocate things like embedding javascript within the markup. Maybe someone else knows of a good resource? Tests Test files attached to the email.