Re: Proposals for 3.2.2

On 31/01/06, Ben Caldwell <> wrote:
> 3 Changes proposed:
> 1.) Change 'input field' to 'form control or field' so that it is clear
> that check boxes, radio buttons etc are covered.

Good suggestion.

> 2.) Add the phrase, "unless instructions are provided that describe the
> behavior" to the end of success criterion 3.2.2.

My concern with this is that the instructions could easily be missed
(they're very likely to be embedded somewhere so it's not obtrusive),
and it's not the expected behaviour. I would prefer this type of
behaviour allowable if there was a settings page where people could
define their own preferences, as it would then be expected behaviour.
This guideline is about understandability, so it would seem reasonable
that controls behaved as expected unless explicitly changed by the

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Tuesday, 31 January 2006 19:13:30 UTC