WCAG Team A Agenda 20 September, 2005

20 September 2005 Meeting Information (WCAG Team A)
Time: 18:00 UTC, 8 PM Central Europe, 2 PM Eastern US, 1 PM Central US,
11 AM Pacific US
Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 Passcode: 92242# (WCAGA)
IRC: irc.w3.org port: 6665 channel #wcag-teama


   1. Gez's proposal for a SC on remote scripting
   2. Neil's draft guide doc for L2 SC3
   3. Chris's post on tests for 3.2
   4. Proposals from Gez regarding definitions for "focus" and "change
      in context" vs. "change in context"
   5. Next steps

    Action Items

    * *ACTION: *Everyone. Continue work on guide docs and techniques for
      each SC. 
    * *ACTION:* Team A will look at better words than "complete" and
      "main" [5]
    * *ACTION:* Sofia to look at concerns about removing "user agent
      user interface controls" [6]
    * *ACTION:* Alex draft guide doc for L3 SC1 [7]
    * *ACTION:* david draft guide doc for L2 SC4 [8]


-Gregg and Ben

/[5] /<//http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action02//>
/[6] /<//http://www.w3.org/2005/09/15-wai-wcag-minutes.html#action01//>
/[7] /<//http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-minutes.html#action03//>
/[8] /<//http://www.w3.org/2005/09/08-wcag-teama-minutes.html#action08//>

Ben Caldwell | <caldwell@trace.wisc.edu>
Trace Research and Development Center <http://trace.wisc.edu>

Received on Monday, 19 September 2005 19:04:24 UTC