RE: Assisgment 3.2 L1 SC1

Please propose the wording for such an SC. We can discuss at our meeting


 -- ------------------------------ 
Gregg C Vanderheiden Ph.D. 
Professor - Ind. Engr. & BioMed Engr.
Director - Trace R & D Center 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Gez Lemon
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 6:37 AM
To: Gregg Vanderheiden
Subject: Re: Assisgment 3.2 L1 SC1

Hi Gregg,

Firstly, I agree with your proposal to remove L1SC1from 3.2.

On 13/09/05, Gregg Vanderheiden <> wrote:
> Change of context should not be confused with change of content. Small 
> changes in content, such as an expanding outline, do not change the 
> context

I also agree that a change of content is different from the current
definition of change of context. This is relevant to my success criteria
(When any component receives focus, it does not cause a change of context),
where focus given to a menu item may cause a sub-menu to be displayed.
That's obviously a good thing, and shouldn't violate this success criteria.

I do have concerns about change of content with remote scripting techniques
(which seems to be the new black), as that can cause accessibility problems.
This is more relevant for L2SC3: Changing the setting of any input field
does not automatically cause a change of context. If a change of content
isn't the same as a change of context in this instance, then we're saying
that it's okay to dynamically update portions of a page in a way that could
be missed by some assistive technologies. I wonder if it would be worth
adding another success criteria (possibly level 3) that deals with changes
made using remote scripting, as I can't see anywhere else in the guidelines
that covers this?

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Tuesday, 13 September 2005 13:01:32 UTC