Agenda 13 Sept. 2005

13 September 2005 Meeting Information (WCAG Team A)
Time: 18:00 UTC, 8 PM Central Europe, 2 PM Eastern US, 1 PM Central US,
11 AM Pacific US
Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 Passcode: 92242# (WCAGA)
IRC: port: 6665 channel #wcag-teama

1. What is sufficient to meet each SC?

2. Review of draft guide documents.

3. Status of action items and questions.

Please post any questions or progress related to your action items [1]
to the list as soon as possible.


-Gregg and Ben


Ben Caldwell | <>
Trace Research and Development Center <>

Received on Monday, 12 September 2005 20:04:50 UTC