guide doc example

Hi all,

Apologies for the late notice on this. Gregg and I have been working on 
a guide document example that (hopefully) better illustrates what is 
sufficient for conformance to a SC and wanted to run it by the group for 
feedback in this afternoon's meeting.

The proposed revisions that relate to our templates and format start at:

  - shows a single guideline with a link following 1.1 L1 SC1 that reads 
"Guide to 1.1 L1 SC1"

The proposed revisions for the guide document start at:

  - The section "Techniques for addressing Guideline 1.1 L1 SC1" 
includes three sections that describe how techniques apply to the 
success criterion.

Atomic techniques have not yet been written, but I have created a few 
placeholder pages for general techniques with brief notes describing 
what might be included in these sections.

For now, we're sharing this with Team A for feedback, but will be 
sending to the larger group for consideration.




Ben Caldwell | <>
Trace Research and Development Center <>

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2005 19:39:38 UTC