Re: WCAG Team A - Kickoff

Hi all,

> 3. If there are any additional tests that would relate to techniques for
> this, please post them.   Again, posting them is great.  Posting them in
> the form of the templates is superb.

I've created three techniques [1], which I think apply to this
guideline. I don't have a copy of Word at home, so I've no idea at the
moment what the template looks like. I've tried to create techniques
that may be considered good practice, although there may be problems
with all of the techniques. All techniques cause a change in context
that may not be noticed, although they could all theoretically be
programatically determined.

Chunking Information [2]
I thought this may be a good example, as it's an accessibility
technique aimed at people with cognitive difficulties. The change in
context is user initiated, but the link-phrase changes depending on
the context, which may not be noticed by the user.

Validating Forms [3]
The technique I've used is to provide a block of information regarding
whether or not the fields have been filled out correctly. If there are
errors in the submission, a warning is provided above the form giving
a list of errors, with links to the appropriate form field.

Changing Context [4]
The final example displays a text box depending on an option chosen
from a drop-down list. The current technique refers to auto submit
combo boxes, which is a severe change in context. The technique I've
used causes a more subtle change of context, but presumably still
violates level 2 success criteria 3 for this guideline?

> Final thing is that we need to find a time to meet. I would like
> everybody to post to the list 2 things.
> 1. The times of day using the EASTERN United States time zone that
> work for you.  We will try to find a time that works in everybody's
> availability band.

I'll need to ask my employer if I can make calls during work-time. If
they allow me, then any time and any day would be fine for me. If they
won't, and it's likely that they won't as they're a small company with
no interest in accessibility or standards (which I'm trying to
change), then 2pm (EST) onwards would be good for me as I would be
home from work by then.

Best regards,



Supplement your vitamins

Received on Sunday, 4 September 2005 15:48:41 UTC