ACT TF Action needed: Complete rule review survey

Apologies for the plethora of email, but lots of topics to cover.  This one
is about a re-review of a rule we've reviewed before. We think the issues
have been addressed and it's now ready.  I have the survey open until 7
Nov. but if you can complete it before this week's meeting on 31 October
that would be awesome!  We'll have an agenda item to go over the survey
results received this week.

Here's the link to the rule review - HTML lang & xml:lang match:

Best regards,

Mary Jo
Mary Jo Mueller
Accessibility Standards Program Manager
IBM Accessibility Research, Austin, TX
Phone: 512-286-9698 | Tie-line: 363-9698

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and
become more, you are a leader."  ~John Quincy Adams

Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2019 02:34:06 UTC