RDWG Update

Hi Everyone,

so the topics and priorities are now ordered at:


with notes etc by them.

As Chair now I have two main focuses:
1) Getting the notes out for the symposium we have already completed; and
2) completing as many symposium as possible with good quality and with all notes published 
within 3 months as per our charter.

Lets meet on Wednesday for a round table chat on how we all think we can best progress 



Too brief? Slow response? See the Email Charter <http://emailcharter.org>


Simon Harper <http://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/simon.harper/>

  1. Contact Me <http://simon.harper.name/contact/>
  2. Web Ergonomics Lab <http://wel.cs.manchester.ac.uk>
  3. Schedule a Meeting <http://doodle.com/simon.harper.name>

Received on Monday, 9 June 2014 06:58:55 UTC