RE: This week's teleconference

My apologies as well - I too will be in Melbourne


-----Original Message-----
From: Vivienne CONWAY []
Sent: Tuesday, 27 November 2012 9:47 PM
Subject: This week's teleconference

Regrets for this week's meeting, as I'll be travelling to OZeWAI in Melbourne.


Vivienne L. Conway, B.IT(Hons), MACS CT, AALIA(cs)
PhD Candidate & Sessional Lecturer, Edith Cowan University, Perth, W.A.
Director, Web Key IT Pty Ltd.
Mob: 0415 383 673

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From: Simon Harper []
Sent: Friday, 23 November 2012 5:58 PM
To: Shadi Abou-Zahra
Cc: Klaus Miesenberger; RDWG
Subject: Re: Antw: Re: [important] group input on Easy-to-Read symposium

What about adding extra fields to the submission system? Extend the
abstract part to include all fields required for the extended abstract?
This already hands deletes updates etc?


PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.

Simon Harper

University of Manchester (UK)
Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group

On 23/11/2012 08:05, Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
> Hmmm - interesting. I dread the idea of building an Editor yet on the
> other hand all we need is text, links, and images.
> Having said that, these types of projects do tend to grow. For example
> I already think of requests for session management to save, edit, and
> delete submissions. We need to draw the lines.
> Best,
>   Shadi
> On 23.11.2012 08:56, Simon Harper wrote:
>> Good idea, we could build a form into which they need to add content -
>> we could then sanitize the text and then build a document from it.
>> Peter, as a coder how much work do you think this constrained approach
>> would be?
>> cheers
>> Si.
>> PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster
>> response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.
>> =======================
>> Simon Harper
>> University of Manchester (UK)
>> Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group
>> On 23/11/12 06:33, Klaus Miesenberger wrote:
>>> This is right Simon. Other conferences send it back - BUT we have to
>>> work on each paper also (easier to do small things yourself thn
>>> sending back and checking again) - none of the 186 papers at last
>>> ICCHP were exactly in the formal Springer prescribes (including our
>>> own ones (-:).
>>> BUT what makes it easier at other conferences is the fact that
>>> publishers like Springer or conferences provide templates for tools
>>> used in everyday practice for editing (e.g. rtf, doc, odt, tex)
>>> where authors do not have to care about coding in the background.
>>> Of course we can say authors should know valid HTML and am sure they
>>> do, but we need a user dirven approach as most editing tools produce
>>> everything else than valid HTML and cleaning up is a nightmare. A
>>> work around as you described with GoogleDocs would be a very good
>>> support to authors and would smoothen the process.
>>> Or is there any HTML editor we can recommend? Or should we set up a
>>> web page (with e.g. tinyMC, CK)  where authors can enter text
>>> directly. But again they might use copy and paste out of a document
>>> format what will also copy the styles.
>>> Klaus
>>> a.Univ.Prof.Dr. Klaus Miesenberger
>>> University of Linz, Institut Integriert Studieren
>>> Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz
>>> Tel: +43-732-2468-3751 Fax: ...-23751
>>> International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special
>>> Needs, ICCHP:
>>> International Camps on Computers&Communication, ICC:
>>> Association for the Advancement for Assistive Technology in Europe,
>>> AAATE:
>>> eAccess+ The eAccessibility newtork:
>>> Austrian Computer Society, OCG:
>>>>>> Simon Harper <> 22.11.2012 09:14 >>>
>>> Hi Shadi,
>>> let me take these in order:
>>> 1) looks good.
>>> 2) I (and most of the group - all except Kerstin) want the normal
>>> system / I support this - if we have to limit attendees then we have
>>> no choice.
>>> 3) I think this is an author issue, Klaus can we send the ones with
>>> coding errors back - this is how it's normally done at conferences as
>>> authors are the stakeholders with more invested than anyone else and
>>> so are more likely to do the work - and it is the editors
>>> responsibility to get them changed - Klaus this is how it works at
>>> ICCHP right?
>>> 4) I think the chairs seem to have everything in hand and we have
>>> meeting next week only for these comments too.
>>> Cheers
>>> Si.
>>> PS I check my email at 08:00 and 17:00 GMT. If you require a faster
>>> response please include the word 'fast' in the subject line.
>>> =======================
>>> Simon Harper
>>> University of Manchester (UK)
>>> Web Ergonomics Lab - Information Management Group
>>> On 21/11/12 08:02, Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
>>>> Dear Group and E2R symposium co-chairs,
>>>> In lieu of this week's meeting I'd like to get your input via
>>>> mail.
>>>> #1. Please review the updated symposium page and let us know any
>>>> thoughts you may have -- the symposium co-chairs are working on
>>>> the agenda section but otherwise it should be ready: -
>>>> <>
>>>> #2. Please share your thoughts on teleconferencing system -- The
>>>> setup for TC4R worked quite well but it is limited to ~50
>>>> participants (we had 40+ participants). There are benefits to allow
>>>> more participants but also drawbacks (more noise and chatter, less
>>>> focused discussion, more overhead to manage, ...), most
>>>> importantly, the other system we tried didn't have the same level
>>>> of quality -- we need to decide!
>>>> #3. Some of the listed papers have character-encoding bugs that
>>>> crept in during the QA process (how ironic!) -- any volunteers to
>>>> help clean up the HTML in some of these papers?
>>>> #4. Please share any other thoughts about potential questions to
>>>> raise, discussion to have, or other suggestions you may have for
>>>> the co-chairs to consider for the symposium -- they are preparing
>>>> now.
>>>> Thanks, Shadi

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Received on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 14:57:52 UTC