RDIG Planning Telecon Summary - December 18, 2002

RDIG Planning Call
December 18, 2002
14:00 - 15:30 UTC


Mark Hakkinen (MTH), Chair, JSRPD
Wendy Chisholm WAC), W3C
George Kersher (GK), DAISY/RFBD
Katie Haritos-Shea (KHS), CESSI
Bill LaPlant (BLP), US Census Bureau
Andrew Arch (AA), Vision Australia
Grace de la Flor (GDLF), University Bristol
Gregg Vanderheiden (GV), TRACE R&D/University of Wisconsin
Marja Riitta Koivunen (MRK), W3C
Markus Gylling (MG), DAISY/TPB
Pat Bertini (PB), IWA (via IRC)
Deborah Ruh (DR), TecAccess
Mark Urban (MU), International Center for Disability Resources on the

Corrections/Omissions? Please send updates to hakkinen@dinf.ne.jp


- Introductions
- General Q&A about the charter
- Determine regular meeting time
- Begin planning our first teleconference event:  Web Collaboration


- General Q&A about the charter

Questions were raised as to whether the IG would actually conduct research,
which led to
a review of the purpose of the group: to identify and review research in web
technologies, examine how accessibility issues are/are not being addressed,
collaboration between accessibility and web researchers, and to potentially
funding opportunities to enable inclusion of accessibility components in
identified research projects.

Wendy described W3C process as it applies to our IG, the difference bewteen
IG and other IGs and WGs. The work product of RDIG are reports on the topics
on the teleconferences and not recommendations.

If research topics/issues have relevance to current W3C WGs, the RDIG staff
would convey these issues to the relevant working group.

What is the relationship between WAI-PF and RDIG?  Whereas PF looks at
current W3C
recommendation track activities, RDIG is looking at outside research, most
several years from reaching or impacting W3C recommendation tracks

GV will send to the list a paper by Trace on accessibility issues in IT
Research and BLP will
send to the list a paper on "hard issues" and technologies that have been
identified in the
Census department.

- Determine regular meeting time

We agreed that RDIG would alternate meeting times for the planning group.
With a group of
this makeup, some members will be attending the calls at an inconvenient
hour, and
alternating meeting times will hopefully provide some relief. The two
meeting times
are 14:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC

The discussion of meeting times evolved into a discussion of technical
aspects of the
teleconference. IRC was used during this call for some minute taking (thanks
and was also used by one participant (PB) who could not connect to the
conference by telephone.

A request for pointers to accessible IRC clients was put forward. A page
from the UN with a list
of tools was mentioned
(http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/access2000/April13.html). Low cost
telephone services were discussed with a recommendation from GV that
(www.net2phone.com) has been used successfully.

ZAKIM was discussed as a tool to facilitate the teleconferences, and MTH
will write a brief user
guide for using ZAKIM from either the telephone keypad or IRC in time for
the next planning call.

- Begin planning our first teleconference event:  Web Collaboration

Began discussion of first proposed topic: Web-based collaboration.
Our intent is to have the first teleconference event in February.
The majority of the call was spent discussing collaboration technologies,
including TWIKI,
WhiteBoards, annotations, content management, document collaboration, etc.,
in order to build
a consensus toward a specific focus for the first teleconference event.

We concluded that:
1. Focus will be narrowed to document collaboration
2. Planning group members will propose ideas to the list on specific
research projects and
researchers, in time for discussion on the next conference call.

MTH, MRK will send to the list pointers to information such as
conferences/literature being
surveyed. Other planning group members are encouraged to do the same and to
use the list to
collect and discuss information related to the topic.

- Next Meeting Date: January 15, 2003. Details will be sent to the list.
Meeting time will most
likely be 21:00 UTC.

Advance regrets from Andrew and Grace for 15th



Teleconference Event = the conference call, occuring every other month, with
research presentations on a selected topic.

Topic Related Links mentioned in call:

Zakim info: http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot
Twiki: http://www.twiki.org/
VNC: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/
Team Space at mit : http://auto.mit.edu/TeamSpace
Palm Study :

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2002 07:40:02 UTC