from March 2014 by subject

*Attention* Daylight saving time in the US, Canada, and other countries

*reminder* Daylight saving time in the US, Canada, and other countries

*reminder* f2f confirmed, please register

[Disposition of Comments] Working Draft, 30 January 2014

[reminder] next meeting on 27 March

[Updated] Disposition of Comments for Working Draft, 30 January 2014

A or AA

Agenda EvalTF

Agenda item #2 Please check

changing website after 10 evaluations (was: Discussions for testrun websites)

Comments on January 30, 2014 working draft

Comments on WCAG EM Working Draft 30 January 2014

Comments on WCAG-EM

Comments on WD-WCAG-EM-20140130

Discussions for testrun websites

EOWG comments on WCAG-EM 30 January 2014 draft

EvalTF Agenda Telco

evaltf-ISSUE-21: Decide on keeping versus refining scoring section [WCAG-EM - Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology 1.0]

Feedback on WCAG-EM January 2014 WD

Invitation to EvalTF members to help evaluate WCAG-EM

ISSUE-14: How much guidance on point-for-point testing can we provide in wcag-em

ISSUE-15: How much guidance on selecting appropriate "baselines" can we provide in wcag-em

ISSUE-16: Need to further discuss the role of techniques (with wcag wg)

ISSUE-17: Need to further discuss if team of reviewers is (still) preferable over single reviewer

ISSUE-18: Need to update step 1.d to make it more clear

ISSUE-19: Need to better clarify that selection in 3.a needs to include all aspects of 2.c, but not in a separate web page each

ISSUE-20: Need to add "most visited pages" to structured sample

Lack of feedback to 'open call' for WCAG-EM evaluation

Minutes for Teleconference on 20 February 2014

Minutes for Teleconference on 27 February 2014

Minutes for Teleconference on 6 March 2014

Open invitation to test-run WCAG-EM

Open invitation to test-run WCAG-EM final

R: A or AA

Results from Eval TF face-to-face meeting

survey comments

Telco agenda

Test-run survey WCAG-EM is open

test-run with different websites (was: Discussions for testrun websites)

Testrun for larger group

Thanks for the good wishes - Grandson is fantastic

Two versions of the test-run for WCAG-EM

Update on face-to-face agenda

website nominations (was: Discussions for testrun websites)

Website scope

what to do after 10 evaluations

what to do after 10 evaluations (was: Discussions for testrun websites)

Last message date: Friday, 28 March 2014 19:46:17 UTC