Re: WCAG-EM Report Tool

Hi Vivienne/Shadi,

So I just had a thought.

Vivienne wrote:
"That is why we have had to change our reporting and its something we argued
back and forth with the group.  I agree with the idea (as did Detlev and
others) that if it isn't there, how can it pass, but the above is pretty
clear.  That it is isn't there, it is a pass"

While I understand the clarity obtained from awarding a 'Pass' there are times when an evaluator/developer/web manager would be sometimes confused if they awarded a "pass" for a specific area and then, after evaluating the same page 6 months down the line and it failed.

However the reason for this could well have been because the site had been updated within the last six months and implemented newer technology that may not have been tested.

I think that there should be a clear indicator somewhere that, although "passes" did not contain any technology that conformed to the success criteria.

Kindest Regards,

Gavin Evans
Director of Operations | DAC
Mob: 07936 685804
Twitter: @GavinAEvans @DACcessibility<><>

On 12 Aug 2014, at 07:54, "WebKeyIT" <<>> wrote:

Hi Shadi

I thought that WCAG-EM was pretty clear that it could only be a pass or fail
in accordance with the Conformance Requirements statement of WCAG 2.0 :

What does conformance mean?

Conformance to a standard means that you meet or satisfy the 'requirements'
of the standard. In WCAG 2.0 the 'requirements' are the Success Criteria. To
conform to WCAG 2.0, you need to satisfy the Success Criteria, that is,
there is no content which violates the Success Criteria.

Note: This means that if there is no content to which a success criterion
applies, the success criterion is satisfied.

Most standards only have one level of conformance. In order to accommodate
different situations that may require or allow greater levels of
accessibility than others, WCAG 2.0 has three levels of conformance, and
therefore, three levels of Success Criteria.

That is why we have had to change our reporting and its something we argued
back and forth with the group.  I agree with the idea (as did Detlev and
others) that if it isn't there, how can it pass, but the above is pretty
clear.  That it is isn't there, it is a pass.


Vivienne Conway, B.IT (Hons), MACS CT, AALIA(CS)

Web Key IT Pty Ltd
PO BOX 681 Wanneroo, WA 6946
M    0415 383 673   F   (08) 9325 6422


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-----Original Message-----
From: Shadi Abou-Zahra []
Sent: Tuesday, 12 August 2014 2:18 PM
To: WebKeyIT; 'Eval TF'
Cc: 'Wilco Fiers'
Subject: Re: WCAG-EM Report Tool

Hi Vivienne,

Good point. I think we need to change "inapplicable" to "not present" to
match WCAG-EM terminology, and remove "cannot tell" from the list. Note that
"untested" is not really a result. Maybe we should rename that to "not
checked" or such to make it more apparent.


On 12.8.2014 04:31, WebKeyIT wrote:
HI Shadi

In looking over the document, I see that one of the issues we faced
with WCAG-EM is a problem here.  In the Audit Sample Tag (4), in the
dropdown box for the 'results for the entire sample", there are options
- untested
- fail
-cannot tell

We agreed in WCAG-EM that because WCAG does not allow anything except
true/false, pass/fail that we could not allow these extra items into
the report and still be able to say that WCAG-EM was used for the
This is something we have just gone through own reporting and removed
as we
-conditional pass (just for somethings that were small and not
technically a
- n/a (for items not there such as multimedia)
- nt (not tested) for items such as interruptions we could not be
tested without access to onsite resources

I would suggest that as we had to adjust WCAG-EM for just pass/fail,
that this should also be changed in the WCAG-EM Reporter to be consistent.


Vivienne Conway, B.IT (Hons), MACS CT, AALIA(CS) Director

Web Key IT Pty Ltd
PO BOX 681 Wanneroo, WA 6946
M    0415 383 673   F   (08) 9325 6422


This communication, including any attachments, is intended solely for
the named addressee. It is confidential and may be subject to legal
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contact me immediately by reply email, delete it from your system and
destroy any copies. This email is subject to copyright, no part of it
should be reproduced, adapted or transmitted without the prior written
consent of the copyright owner. Any views expressed in this message
are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the
views of Web Key IT Pty Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: Shadi Abou-Zahra []
Sent: Thursday, 31 July 2014 9:51 PM
To: Eval TF
Cc: Wilco Fiers
Subject: WCAG-EM Report Tool

Dear Eval TF,

You may be interested to know about the "WCAG-EM Report Tool"
currently being developed through the Education and Outreach Working Group

This tool is currently an early prototype but we welcome your comments
at this stage already. Please send comments to this list or preferably
add them directly to the issues list on GitHub:

Let us know if you have any questions.


Shadi Abou-Zahra - Activity Lead,
W3C/WAI International Program Office Evaluation and Repair Tools
Working Group (ERT
WG) Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Shadi Abou-Zahra - Activity Lead, W3C/WAI
International Program Office Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT
WG) Research and Development Working Group (RDWG)

Received on Tuesday, 12 August 2014 07:31:09 UTC