RE: EvalTF Test-run of WCAG-EM

Regrets for today but i would like to participate


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Velleman, Eric []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 4:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: EvalTF Test-run of WCAG-EM
> Dear all,
> After fruitful discussion on the list, many volunteers and some
> nominations for websites, we can get started with the first test-run of
> WCAG-EM. We will discuss this in the telco of April 11. If you have not
> done so, please indicate if you want to participate. We will discuss the
> time necessary for the larger and the smaller tasks in the telco.
> The general focus of the test-run is to evaluate how WCAG-EM works in
> practice and help us identify where the document needs more attention.
> Please remember this is the first test-run. We do not have to delve into
> extreme detail. We are looking for the big picture, ambiguous things,
> missing information, missing steps, etc. We are not yet working on
> fine-tuning the text although every input is valuable. Note that we are
> evaluating WCAG-EM and not WCAG itself.
> Purpose of testing:
> - Do we adequately address the target audience?
> - Do we cover websites as defined (including web applications etc.)?
> - Does it cover very large and very small websites?
> - Is the text clear and unambiguous
> - Do two different evaluators end up with comparable results when using it
> - Is there information missing that is important for understanding
> - Is there information missing that is important for the practical use of
> - Is the document in any way contradicting WCAG
> - More...?
> Cautions:
> - We are evaluating WCAG-EM and not WCAG.
> - Follow the text in the Methodology as close as possible.
> - This is a first evaluation of WCAG-EM
> - We have to be cautious with naming websites on the mailing list. What we
> say will be there 'for always'.
> - Please replace the name of the websites we use for the evaluation of
> WCAG-EM by 'website1' and 'website2'. So turn '' into
> 'website1/morehere'. For details about the evaluation, we can use the WBS
> system.
> Plan:
> To make things easier for all of us now, we will cut the evaluation of
> WCAG-EM into parts and apply this to two or three different websites.
> Part One (partial test of first three steps):
>  - Test-run the first three steps (sampling). The volunteers will all do
> the first three steps for the nominated websites.
> - Discuss outcome: Then we will discuss the outcome on the list, in the
> WBS system and in the Telco.
> Part Two (Test of separate steps):
> - We will test separate steps and discuss the outcome. Output of this
> discussion to be presented in the WBS/list (to be decided) and in the
> Telco. What went good and where do we need to do extra work.
> Part Three (Test of reporting):
> - Using the different outcomes of step 3, suppose we do the evaluation.
> Try writing one report and discuss with others.
> Please join in the start of the test-run in the EvalTF telco of 11 april.
> Kindest regards,
> Eric Velleman

Received on Thursday, 11 April 2013 12:19:59 UTC