Results of survey on sampling

if is there any way to view the results of the Surveymonkey survey on  
sampling before the next call, this would be useful to be better  
prepared for discussion.

If it seems likely that many US participants will be knocked out from  
turkey overdose next Thursday, it may be wise to cancel in advance  
rather than have another rump meeting.


Detlev Fischer
testkreis - das Accessibility-Team von feld.wald.wiese
c/o feld.wald.wiese
Thedestraße 2
22767 Hamburg

Tel   +49 (0)40 439 10 68-3
Mobil +49 (0)1577 170 73 84
Fax   +49 (0)40 439 10 68-5
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Received on Thursday, 15 November 2012 15:32:04 UTC