Re: Some doubts about the Schema

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 17:15:32 +0100, Carlos Iglesias  
<> wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> Here are my doubts:
> - I supposed that dc:location is described at Dublin Core Metadata  
> Element Set [1] but I can't find any description there, nor at DCMI  
> Metadata Terms [2].
> The only reference I found is at DC-Library Application Profile (DC-Lib)  
> [3] with the recommendation [4] of using the element "location" from the  
> MODS (Metadata Object Definition Schema) namespace [5]
> What I am missing?

An explanation of when dc:location got into the spec. (I don't recall  
adding it, so it might have been around for a long time, or I might have  
been asleep at the wheel one day)...

It turns out that the term is defined in an XML schema, but not in RDF. I  
propose we remove it (since otherwise we would be defining dc: terms for  
them, which is generally considered bad form.

> - Do we need to include the dc and foaf namespaces within the EARL  
> Schema? [6]
> If so, shouldn't we include the dct namespace too?

D'oh! Yep.

> - Apparently, the schema doesn't validate

Yeah, good catch. I'll make sure all these are fixed in the next draft,  
and try to remember to validate the schema before sending it out...



Charles McCathieNevile           
   hablo español  -  je parle français  -  jeg lærer norsk
      Peek into the kitchen:

Received on Friday, 13 January 2006 13:20:02 UTC