OWL Re: EARL and describing tests Re: Agenda for F2F at TP

On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 14:13:38 -0500, Chris Ridpath  
<chris.ridpath@utoronto.ca> wrote:
I had said:
>> The idea of using OWL is that you can work with generic tools like Jena  
>> to build the tools, and that it saves us from the work of discussing  
>> how we should design an XML or RDF vocabulary in the first place
> I'm not too familiar with OWL yet but I'll have to check it out. Can you  
> suggest a good place to start?

The OWL guide is probably as good a place as any. The rough idea is that  
it is RDF, but in particular it specifies some things like equivalentClass  
and Restriction so that you can do some simple logic in RDF, using a  
reasoner like Pellet.

Or you could start from the example that Shadi wrote which I think got the  
syntax right to demonstrate how you would solve our particular problem in  
OWL: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-er-ig/2004Sep/0001.html



Charles McCathieNevile - Vice Presidente - Fundacion Sidar
charles@sidar.org                      http://www.sidar.org
     (chaals is available for consulting at the moment)

Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 20:47:57 UTC