Re: mockups for TF Web interface

Hi Shadi,

At 23:35 5/02/2009, Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
>Christophe Strobbe wrote:
>>At 16:24 2/02/2009, Shadi Abou-Zahra wrote:
>>>Ref: <>
>>>Please find muckups of the TF Web interface tool. There is not 
>>>database backing yet, so no functions actually work. However, you 
>>>should be able to click around and get a good idea of how it works.
>>>Note: you may notice some new status flags, we need to discuss this.
>>>Let me know your thoughts and comments, I'm aware that it is a 
>>>pretty minimalistic tool (no real search, e-mail notification, reminders, ...).
>>One of the goals of this interface is to make the structure and 
>>content reviews easier, especially the automatable parts of the 
>>structure review: XML Schema validation and ISO Schematron 
>>checking. If you have suggestions on how the interface could 
>>support this, please send them to the list.
>The current idea is to run CVS-triggered scripts when test samples 
>are checked into the repository. These scripts would update the 
>database by entering a new record or modifying an existing one. My 
>hope is that we can build the XML/Schematron validation into these 
>scripts (and record the output of the scripts into the database too).
>Christophe, do you have such command line scripts? If so, what 
>language and/or environment do they require to run?

My current scripts are all in Apache Ant <>, 
which requires Java.
However, there are a number of alternatives for Python: 
<>. (I 
have no experience with Python, nor with any of those Python-based tools.)

I've never looked into scripts that are automaticlly triggered by CVS 
checkins. I found something at
but we probably need to find out how to trigger Python or PHP scripts.

I looked into ISO Schematron support some time ago and didn't find 
anything for PHP.
However, there is also the Python-based Amara XML Toolkit:

* Uche Ogbuji: "Introducing the Amara XML Toolkit"
* Amara XML Toolkit:
* Amara XML Toolkit manual:

Best regards,


>   Shadi
>Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
>   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
>  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
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Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 13:28:24 UTC