Re: CVS hierarchy and file name convention


Christophe Strobbe wrote:
> * testfiles
>    + resources
>      - applets
>      - audio
>      - css
>      - dtds
>      - flash
>      - images
>      - scripts
>      - video

Since all the BenToWeb test files are stored into a single directory, it probably makes sense to structure the resources (third level). However, further below I am suggesting to group the test samples according to the Sucess Criteria in which case it may make sense to collapse all resources into one sub-directory (see below for more).

> So we have metatdata and test samples in two separate directories.

Is the metadata one big XML file or is there a structure/naming convention within this second directory? Do you have experience with alternative approaches?

> We should also consider if we want this at the top level or under a 
> directory per technology, i.e. an 'XHTMLsamples' directory 
> containing the above hierarchy, an 'SVGsamples' directory

Or we group the test samples in sub-directories according to the Success Criteria. For example:


Similar to what Christophe is proposing:
- sca.b.c: the number of the success criterion,
- tech: the technology that the test sample addresses,
- nnn: the number of the test sample,
- ext: a reflection of the technology in "tech".

Also, as mentioned above, all the resources that belong to a group of test samples (that address one Success Criteria) could be located in a single sub-directory. For example:


> Do we want a separate structure for XHTML samples with and without 
> JavaScript? (We don't do that in BenToWeb.)

I agree we shouldn't separate these. Each XHTML test case addresses a specific Success Criteria, sometimes it will make sense to use scripting (or CSS or images etc) for this purpose and sometimes it won't.


Shadi Abou-Zahra     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe | 
Chair & Staff Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG | 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)  | 
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), | 
WAI-TIES Project,       | 
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Received on Monday, 4 September 2006 10:09:59 UTC