Re: W3C List of Evaluation Tools - Color blindness assistive tool

Hi Sandor,

Thanks for offering to take more tools, I've assigned these batch of 5 tools to you:
 * ht://Check
 * NetMechanic
 * NIST WebMetrics Tool Suite
 * Reading level calculator
 * Style and Diction

(They were originally mine but I am really struggling with time in keeping the TF going)


Sandor Herramhof wrote:
> Hi Andrew, Shadi,
> no problem, I wanted to start this morning with Visolve, but 
> then read your mail (that you've already contacted them).
> So, Shadi I'm open for another bunch of mail adresses ;)
> Regards,
> Sandor
>>>>"Andrew Arch" <> 22.11.2005 00:28 >>>
> Sorry to jump in - had a free moment this morning so took the
> initiative.
> Next time I'll ask :)
> Sandor, please advise the status of your follow-up - do I need to
> contact
> Masahiko and explain the duplication?
> Andrew
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shadi Abou-Zahra [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 22 November 2005 9:59 AM
> To: Andrew Arch; Sandor Herramhof
> Subject: Re: W3C List of Evaluation Tools - Color blindness assistive
> tool
> Hi Andrew,
> Thanks for taking this on but please note that Sandor had also taken up
> this
> tool (sadly this was never communicated to the list, my fault).
> Anyway, Sandor please hold off contacting this developer if you
> haven't
> already done so. Otherwise I suggest that Andrew sends a follow up
> message
> to Masahiko explaining the confusion so that the communication with
> Sandor
> can continue.
> Regards,
>   Shadi
> Andrew Arch wrote:
>>Dear Masahiko,
>>The W3C/WAI Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG) is
> currently
>>in the process of updating the following list of Web accessibility
>>evaluation tools on which your tool is listed:
>>  * <>
>>The new version of this tools list will provide sorting capabilities
> so
> that
>>users are able to find tools according to their specific needs. The
>>following static mock-ups show how this sortable list will look
> like:
>>  * <>
>>We are contacting you to help populate the database with current
> information
>>about your tool. Below you will find information about your tool that
> is
>>currently available to us. Please review this information, complete
> any
>>missing fields or provide changes.
>>This information will be published unless we receive correction or
>>amendments. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
>>  * Andrew Arch <>
>>  * Shadi Abou-Zahra <>
>>* TOOL NAME: Visolve
>>* VENDOR NAME: Ryobi System Solutions
>>* RELEASE DATE: 2005-10-01
>> (YYYY-MM-DD format)
>>* DESCRIPTION: (200 characters maximum)
>>Visolve is the software that transforms colors of the computer
> display
> into
>>the discriminable colors for various people including people with
> color
>>vision deficiency, commonly called color blindness. One of its aims
> is to
>>help people with color blindness guess a normal color. It can also be
> used
>>to select colours that color-blind users will be able to discern.
> Visolve
>>comes in two forms:
>>1) Visolve Deflector is the program invoked by Windows start menu,
> shortcut,
>>etc. By using it, you can transform color in the specified area, or
> color
> of
>>the entire screen. Moreover, you can adjust the transformation degree
> and
>>can change the appearance of Visolve Toolbar.
>>2) Visolve Toolbar appears at the desktop taskbar, the Explorer
> window,
> and
>>the Internet Explorer window by selecting the Visolve item in each
> menu.
> You
>>can transform color of the entire screen, and color of the entire
> Explorer
>>window respectively.
>>(The following features are described in the document "Selecting Web
>>Accessibility Evaluation Tools" available at
>> - Accessible to people with disabilities:
>> - Assist manual evaluation for accessibility: yes
>> - Execute automated accessibility checks:
>> - Provide semi-automated repair options:
>> - Remote on-line service:
>> - Other:
>> - Generate reports:
>> - In-page feedback:
>> - Page transformations: yes
>> - Step-by-step evaluations:
>> - Other:
>> - English: yes
>> - French:
>> - German:
>> - Italian:
>> - Japanese: yes
>> - Spanish:
>> - Other:
>> - CSS, Cascading Style Sheets:
>> - XHTML, Extensible Hypertext Markup Language:
>> - HTML, Hypertext Markup Language:
>> - PDF, Portable Document Format:
>> - SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics:
>> - Other:
>> - BSD Unix:
>> - Linux:
>> - MacOS:
>> - Solaris:
>> - Windows: yes
>> - Other:
>> - AccessiWeb, French national standard:
>> - BITV, German national standard:
>> - Section 508, US national standard:
>> - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0:
>> - Other:
>> - Internet Explorer: yes
>> - Mozilla:
>> - Netscape:
>> - Opera:
>> - Other:
>> - Dreamweaver:
>> - FrontPage:
>> - Photoshop:
>> - Other:
>> - CSV, Comma Separated Value:
>> - EARL, Evaluation and Report Language:
>> - HTML, Hypertext Markup Language:
>> - XML, Extensible Markup Language:
>> - Other:
>> - Commercial:
>> - Free Ware: yes - PLEASE CONFIRM
>> - Open Source:
>> - Share Ware:
>> - Other:
>>Thank you for your cooperation!
>>  Andrew Arch for ERT WG
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[]On Behalf Of Shadi
>>Sent: Tuesday, 22 November 2005 12:05 AM
>>To: Masahiko Shimoda
>>Subject: Re: Color blindness assistive tool
>>Dear Masahiko,
>>Thank you for your interest in adding this information about your
> tool on
>>our list of Web accessibility evaluation tools. We are currently in
> the
>>process of updating this list and providing a search functionality
> for it.
> A
>>participant of the Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group (ERT WG)
> will
>>contact you shortly with some questions about your tool.
>> Shadi
>>Masahiko Shimoda wrote:
>>>My name is Masahiko Shimoda and I am a system engineer/programmer
>>>at "Ryobi System Solutions," a Japanese company.
>>>We have developed the software that transforms colors of the
> computer
>>>display into the discriminable colors for people with color
> blindness,
>>>and made it public on the Internet.  It is free for personal use.
>>>This site's URL is:
>>> .
>>>We would like many people to use this software.  So could you
> possibly
>>>add our software into your existing tools list on your website?
>>>That software transforms colors so as to reflect the degree of color
>>>saturation into its brightness regularly.  And its purposes are the
>>>   1. to help people with color blindness know the color gradations
>>>      in natural scenery etc. by their visual information,
>>>   2. to help people with color blindness guess a normal color by
>>>      seeing the changes via transformation.
>>>Some transformation examples are shown on that website.
>>>I hope you will give this your consideration.
>>>Best regards,
>>Shadi Abou-Zahra,     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe
>>Chair and Team Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG
>>World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),  
>>Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 
>>WAI-TIES Project,        
>>Evaluation and Repair Tools WG, 
>>2004, Route des Lucioles -- 06560, Sophia-Antipolis -- France
>>Voice: +33(0)4 92 38 50 64           Fax: +33(0)4 92 38 78 22
>><< ella for Spam Control >> has removed Spam messages and set aside
> Later
>>for me
>>You can use it too - and it's FREE! 
> --
> Shadi Abou-Zahra,     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe
> Chair and Team Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG
> World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),  
> Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 
> WAI-TIES Project,        
> Evaluation and Repair Tools WG, 
> 2004, Route des Lucioles -- 06560, Sophia-Antipolis -- France
> Voice: +33(0)4 92 38 50 64           Fax: +33(0)4 92 38 78 22
> __________________________________________________________________
> << ella for Spam Control >> has removed Spam messages and set aside
> Later
> for me
> You can use it too - and it's FREE! 

Shadi Abou-Zahra,     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe 
Chair and Team Contact for the Evaluation and Repair Tools WG 
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),  
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 
WAI-TIES Project,        
Evaluation and Repair Tools WG, 
2004, Route des Lucioles -- 06560, Sophia-Antipolis -- France 
Voice: +33(0)4 92 38 50 64           Fax: +33(0)4 92 38 78 22 

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2005 23:55:35 UTC