Nav next step - EOWG input

Hi all,

Several of us met by phone today to hash out together the IA/nav and resource naming based on recent input from James, Charlotte, and Shawn. Minutes are here: 
(These minutes are linked from the TF wiki page: <>)

A rough version of what we settled on is at:

You'll see there are some open questions (and some parts at the end that I didn't fill in yet).

I propose that we ask EOWG and WAI staff to review the draft nav now -- via Weekly Survey & W4tW -- and we talk about it at EOWG next Friday. I created this GitHub issue in case we want to put it to EOWG now, you can add this link to the survey & W4tW:

Please call my mobile if you want my input before Tuesday, as I won't be checking e-mail before then.


Received on Saturday, 12 August 2017 01:46:12 UTC