Worksessions & nav categories [was: Usability Testing first of April [was: Fwd: v2 -- Re: Tasks - Resource mapping]]

Hi James and Charlotte,

As I've said the last few teleconferences, I strongly agree that we want a specific agenda for worksessions.

My goal is to get an interim IA (with minimal content changes) ASAP, and an ideal/target IA (which will include significant re-doing of content) after that. Do y'all want to suggest next steps and worksession agenda for that, or do you want me to?

(one comment below)

> On 3/21/2017 11:19 AM, Shawn Henry wrote:
>> Thank you, Charlotte, for this information. I agree with your
>> perspectives on optimizing user input and usability testing.
>> Originally I think y'all said you had time the last week of March.
>> How about we do some virtual f2f work -- that is, set aside a
>> couple-few hours to do remote worksession(s) together. We can use
>> WebEx video or other if that would be helpful.
>> Best, ~Shawn
>> On 3/17/2017 3:05 PM, Wise, Charlotte wrote:
>>> Hi Shawn,
>>> I agree that user testing is essential and am glad that everyone
>>> supports it. I recommend that we start first with another
>>> Treejack test when we have a third draft of the IA, followed up
>>> by a short task-based test of that IA situated within the context
>>> of Alicia's mockups similar to what you describe below (I would
>>> recommend using a remote testing service like for
>>> this), and finishing with an in-lab based summative test of the
>>> final draft IA and design along with several pages of the
>>> revamped content.
>>> I like some of the ideas you suggested in the IA you sent earlier
>>> this week and will incorporate some of them as I work on
>>> finishing a third draft. I don't think that a primary navigation
>>> structure with just four categories adequately addresses the
>>> complexity of the content we have, though I like simplicity too,
>>> and that’s definitely my primary goal.

>>> Just so we are all on the same page--we are presently considering
>>> 6 primary navigation categories: About WAI, Understand, Promote,
>>> Evaluate, Implement, Participate.

I like that Alicia's mock-up had About WAI and Participate separate from the main nav. They are important to be easy to find, but *very infrequent* for most users.

Right now I'm thinking this is the best order for the main 4: Understand, Implement, Evaluate, Promote.


>>> I think our next step is for me to take a third pass through the
>>> IA using the content that you and Sharon mapped, review it
>>> together, and then Treejack test it. If it passes a Treejack
>>> test, we can consider timing for user testing. We can then look
>>> at what effort would be required to build out a somewhat or
>>> mostly-functional prototype site usable for testing based on the
>>> third draft IA.


Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2017 22:02:37 UTC