Top Tasks for WAI website

Hi Joy & Christopher,

Thanks so much for offering to take on the first steps of the defining the "Top Tasks" for the WAI site redesign!

Here is the long list that we developed back in 2004ish with 55 tasks:
fyi, we tried to group these and were not able to come up with reasonable groupings, and gave up. :-)

Here is general info about Top Tasks:

I'm thinking we want to come up with a list of the top 20 or so and then ask people to rate them. (55 seems to much to deal with. :-) We can use a W3C "WBS" survey to do that. We probably want to invite WAI IG and anyone else who wants to rate them to do the survey.

Let me know if you have any questions, or want to run ideas by me.


Received on Friday, 16 September 2016 16:05:41 UTC