static nav thoughts

order of the static navigation
I like the current order of the static navigation on the side of

The order of what we would want to stand out I think would be:
     1. WAI Site Map
     2. WAI Site Search
     3. Help With WAI Site
     4. RSS - About RSS
     5. Translations
     6. Contacting WAI

What we have works, knowing that people who read lists, read what's  
at the top and bottom first.

I don't usually use site maps to find things but I have heard that  
they are helpful to screen reader users to navigate a certain portion  
of a web site quickly.

For the RSS feed, I think because of the orange button it will stand  
out no matter where you put it in the static navigation.

Should the search be included in the static nav?
Putting it there
     PRO: People get quick access to a search.  This is something  
that I think people would really like and it is something that they  

     CON: Your dumping people off to a non-WAI looking page with out  
some type of good buffer.  This could be disorienting.  People will  
also not be able to see the different search options that they have.

Justin Thorp

Justin Thorp

Technical Assistant
Michigan State University
Academic Computing & Network Services - Applications Programming

Principal; Web Developer & Accessibility Specialist LLC
3016 S. Deerfield
Lansing, MI 48911

my personal blog -
my web development blog -

Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 13:15:08 UTC