WSTF: Card Sorting

Hello WSTF,

Here is my 2nd round with the list of cards (down to 52 cards) as well as an HTML version of the Card Sort.  I am also making a printable version of this.

Please look at the list so we can finalize it on the call tonight.  I need to print the stickers for the cards before I leave tomorrow afternoon.  I'll be making the fonts larger than they were last time so that people with limited sight can still view the cards.  As much as possible we should use the physical card set as we can randomize that set the easiest - the HTML version will be difficult to randomize. 

On the HTML page currently I have the full list of cards and then a Matrix. Which is easier for people using a screenreader (or similar technology) to sort?  I've also asked Sailesh Panchang this question off list.

I'll be brining my laptop to work on so I can adjust the document between tests.  Does anyone know if a wireless internet connection will be available at the conference?

Please confirm the categories for people to sort into on the call so I can make "placemats" for the user's to place the cards onto.  I think 3 sets of cards/placemats, etc. is enough.

I'm working on text for the intro that the facilitators will say when doing the card sort.

Sorry I didn't get this out sooner.  


Carol J. Smith

Received on Monday, 15 March 2004 15:44:26 UTC