WSTF action items as of 24 Jan 2004

Users, Personas, Tasks
- andrew: send persona suggestions for changes to list
- [DONE] shawn: add carol's updates & link to matts
- matt: post new personas to
- [DONE] shawn: in analysis summary add what we do about it with the
- [DONE] shawn & carol: go to over task-user matrix
- carol: fill in task-user matrix
- ANYONE: get photos for other personas that are missing them: Professor
Zhang (China), Ms. Weesaw (American Indian), Dr. Sathianathan (Sri
Lanka). along with photos, send permission to use (e.g., where they came
from if site grants permission, or model & photographer releases if you
took them)

Information Architecture / Site Map
- UNASSIGNED: check with EO deliverables list & make sure we have
everything for 2004 on this
- [DONE] carol: send last card sort data to michael
- [was waiting for final info from Carol] michael: send gathered data
(xls file) to list
- [optional] charmane: gather updates to IA card sorting participant
characteristics ( from carol &
michael, update page, validate for HTML & accessibility, send to shawn
after all ready to post
- shawn: add WCAG content list
- [DONE] shawn & matt: talk to wendy about WSTF involvement in WCAG WG
home page & subsite design 
- UNASSIGNED: start drafting home page content
- UNASSIGNED: add type of doc to site map (or content list)

Current Site Feedback:
- [in progress] shawn: work with AIR to get UT report & highlight video
- [DONE] michael: summarize heuristic eval findings. draft format for
organizing feedback on current site. (and then see if this works for
gathering ideas for redesign)

Requirements/Features List:
- ALL: send items for features matrix to list for Justin to add & group
to discuss

Visual Design
- michael: ask design firms if they want to volunteer, coordinate issues
w/ shawn
- shawn: send I18N redesign idea

- [in progress] shawn: start firming up plans for CSUN & Tech Plenary
- [DONE] shawn: schedule for next steps

Later & Low Priority
- [low] shawn: fix zakim w/ calling cards again
- [low] shawn: find out about issues related to WAI-specific search
- [low] shawn: check on addresses for females (e.g., Ms., Mrs.
etc) in Asia
- [low] carol and justin: refine together 1 page docs on UCD
- [low] shawn consider WCAG2 is going to be generating a lot of hits,
where should those hits be going? 


Received on Monday, 26 January 2004 10:12:25 UTC