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Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) Deliverables - Items missing on the WAI Site Map Draft 02/26/03 p.m.

introduction - 2004 1Q - 2004 2Q - 2004 3Q - 2004 4Q - update quarterly - wishlist - done


I have put the items I did not find in the WAI Redesign Site Map below but kept them in the same location as they currently are on the EO Deliverables list to make them easy to check. To simplify merging the two, I have inserted my suggestion for placement in the site map in the following format. [ * SUGGEST ** NAME OF LOCATION IN SITE MAP] Please note that the numbering will be different than on the actual EO Deliverables list. C. Corcoran

2004 First Quarter Planned Deliverables

2004 Second Quarter Planned Deliverables

  1. Complete short online slide sets for introduction to WAI materials

2004 Third Quarter Planned Deliverables

  1. Complete Business Case for Authoring Tool Accessibility [changelog]
  2. Completeinitial format and content of WAI FAQ [ * SUGGEST ** ABOUT WAI]
  3. Completeupdate of Getting Started: Making a Web Site Accessible [changelog]
  4. Completemore short online slide sets for introduction to WAI materials
  5. Brainstorm on development of templates and tutorials on WCAG 2.0 [coordinate with WCAG WG] [SUGGEST ** WCAG 2.0 HOLD]
  6. Brainstorm on resuming Gallery of Accessible Web Sites work using new developments in evaluation and monitoring tools [ * SUGGEST ** RESOURCES - PROMOTING AND IMPELMENTING WEB ACCESSIBILITY]

2004 Fourth Quarter Planned Deliverable

  1. Brainstorm on current issues with regard to certification of review processes

Update quarterly or as needed



  1. Static Gallery of WCAG 1.0 or 2.0 conformant Web sites [ * SUGGEST ** RESOURCES - PROMOTING AND IMPELMENTING WEB ACCESSIBILITY
