WSTF action items as of 30 Dec 2003

User List and Personas
- carol: update Barb persona per Sylvie's comment & check shawn's
changes (to make international, rather than Section 508) are good
- andrew: send persona suggestions for changes to list
- shawn: add to User List authoring tool developers, user agent
developers, evaluation tool developers, accessibility consultants. plus
others from EOWG
- shawn: add jon's persona for accessibility type person to page
- shawn: add note at bottom of personas about not being real persons
- [DONE, except want to change Marc &/or Andy, but then need another
photo] shawn: change names in personas
- ANYONE: get different photo for Marc &/or Andy that is an ethnic
background we don't have. get photos for other personas that are missing
them. along with photos, send permission to use (e.g., where they came
from if site grants permission, or model & photographer releases if you
took them)
- ANYONE: think of someone to do persona of legislator, government
policy maker (or assistant to). and reporter/journalist (NOTE: shawn has
contacts that someone could interview in order to create these personas
- anyone want to volunteer???)

Task List
- shawn: add sailesh's tasks sent to list

Information Architecture
- michael: send gathered data (xls file) to list
- charmane: gather updates to IA card sorting participant
characteristics ( from carol &
michael, update page, validate for HTML & accessibility, send to shawn
after all ready to post :-)
- shawn: post WCAG content list & think about how to get WCAG bit done
- shawn: start drafting home page content
- michael: draft parallel site maps showing alternative hierarchy & send
to list 
- ALL: review michael's site maps sent to list & send to the list your

Current Site Feedback:
- shawn: work with AIR to get UT report & highlight video done
- michael: document heuristic evaluation & send to list 
- ALL: review michael's heuristic eval sent to list & send to the list
your comments & additions (for him to add)

Requirements/Features List:
- [DONE] justin start draft based on Michael's version sent and
discussions of columns & items (rows) in 15 Jan WSTF telecon, & send to
- ALL: review justin's draft sent to list & send comments for justin to

Visual Design
- michael: ask design firms if they want to volunteer, coordinate issues
w/ shawn
- [later] blossom: "on deck" to work on visual design
- shawn: send I18N redesign idea

Interim Revisions & advanced work on redesign
- matt: make request to join online forms
- matt: research ways to have header navigation (e.g., server side
includes, etc.)
- shawn: find out about issues related to WAI-specific search

- shawn: start firming up plans for CSUN
- [low priority] shawn: check on addresses for females (e.g., Ms., Mrs.
etc) in Asia
- [low priority] carol and justin: refine together 1 page docs on UCD


Received on Tuesday, 30 December 2003 15:28:33 UTC