WSTF revised agenda for 1 Dec 2003

WAI Site Task Force of EOWG (WSTF) Meeting Agenda for 1 December 2003

Time:	6:00pm-8:00pm US Eastern Time / 22:00-24:00 UTC
Bridge:	+1.617.761.6200, 
		conference code 9783# (WSTF#)
IRC:		channel: #wstf
		port: 6665

Background Reading:
- card sorting documents sent via e-mail to task force members on 15
November from Michael Lenz
- documents linked below


1. Review action items
	* charmane - update vision
	* [DONE] charmane - write persona for education
	* carol - clean up html files of wcag personas
	* carol - add more detail to her persona
	* [in progress] shawn - check on what to do with WCAG personas.
where put? expand?
	* [DONE] michael - send resources on IA & content gathering
	* [DRAFT DONE] shawn & andrew - to develop content list
	* all - send additional tasks
	* all - write personas if compelled

2. Task list
	- review updated version at
	- discuss comments to listserv

3. Information architecture
	- discuss card sorting technique
	- reminder: review WAI Site Contents List

4. Interim revisions
	- update

Teleconference information:
- W3C Zakim Teleconference Bridge instructions:
- Zakim IRC Bot information:
- A source for help with IRC (Internet Relay Chat):

Received on Monday, 1 December 2003 12:40:38 UTC