Re: Letters b - g

Hello all,

Here is my late contribution for letters B through G.

Note: in the glossary you can find terms under different names (on letter C 
and G) for example and in each case a reference to the other word. I wonder 
if these should count for one or two entries. See for example the entry 
"graceful transformation"  which is linked to "transform gracefully". Which 
entry should we choose? The first one, the second one or both?
In addition, what should we do with words that mean opposite things? such 
as device-dependent  and device-independent? If we explain one, is the 
other clear? If we only mention one we can choose another word in the list.

Here is my list of entries below.


1. Backward compatible (if thelist is too long, not a priority)
2. Blindness
3. Braille and Refreshable Braille

4. Browser

1. Captions (ATAG)
2. Cascading Style Sheet (s)
3. Client-side scripting
4. Cognitive and Neurological Disabilities
5. Color blindness

6. Concatenation (not a priority)

7. conformance

8. Conversion tool


a tables  define

2. Deprecated ok

3. Device-independent (choose this or the previous one device-dependent).

4. Document Content, Structure, and Presentation [WCAG10] [WCAG20]

5. Dynamic content

6. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia

1. Equivalent

2. Event handlers
1. Fee Link [UAAG10] Draft 2001-02-03

2. Form Control  or form field
1. Generation Tool [ATAG 10]

2. Graceful Transformation, Graceful Degradation 2001-03-28 (transform 

Received on Monday, 29 November 2004 12:53:11 UTC