Re[2]: updated wireframe for navigation

Hi Michael,

> hi eric,

> Eric Eggert wrote:
>>> i updated the wireframe including a forth tab.
>>> thoughts?
>> I don’t like the four tabs for a reason: It implies four different pages 
>> but the annotated versions are the same pages with another layer of 
>> information applied. Probably we’ll need another metaphor here like two 
>> split tabs (Inaccessible version | annotations) or something along those 
>> lines.

> i agree on the first part: it's not looking optimal for me. that's why i
>   updated the wireframes to get an impression.

> but i don't agree on the solutions. splitted tabs would be the wrong 
> metaphor. i will think about it.

How about four tabs which are optically more narrow?
"Inaccessible version | annotations" in light red in close contact,
"Accessible version | annotations" in light green in close contact?

Something like that?



Maik Wagner
mcwiwa consulting

Wolfsbankstr. 52
45355 Essen  

Fon: +49/0201/75 00 1230
Fax: +49/0201/75 00 1229

Received on Monday, 17 November 2008 16:46:37 UTC