Re: Wireframe for Demo-Pages

Really nice! Especially that it provides different ways of navigating 
the Demo and a more integrated approach to the "educational aspects".

Let's discuss tomorrow.


Michael Stenitzer wrote:
> hi all,
> i've put together a simple wireframe how i would propose to embed the
> demopages in a navigable set of pages:
> here the outline of my considerations in text (AKA longdesc):
> * use an easy to understand and non-technical, non-insider speak title 
> and subtitle.
> * provide a clear representation of the three different flavours each
> page is available with a tab navigation:
> - inaccessible version,
> - annotated accessible version,
> - accessible version.
> (implementation note: the tabs are normal links, no javascript, no ajax, 
> no witch-art. Annotate the selected tab with some hidden text, we might 
> use ARIA too).
> * provide a simple navigation between the demo-pages. this might be in 
> the form of previous / next page links or by listing and linking all 
> four demo pages.
> * meta-navigation: providing links to background information (about 
> demo, description of all barriers, evaluation report).
> * footer: leave more or less like it is now (not in the wireframe).
> any thoughts, ideas?
> regards, michael

Shadi Abou-Zahra - |
   WAI International Program Office Activity Lead   |
  W3C Evaluation & Repair Tools Working Group Chair |

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 08:38:03 UTC