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Construction work on Main Road


Friday 27 January 2006, Sunny Spells, 23ºC

This Weeks's Big Question

1. General Information

Where do you live?

How many cars are in your household?

How many people live at this address?


2. Habits

Rank your favorite forms of transportation.
(this a required field)

Indicate a value from 1 to 5 for each of the following:
1 is worst while 5 is better

Why do you prefer a car over other
forms of public transportation?
(this a required field)

Select one or more of the following proposals

How long do you spend per month using each
of the following forms of transportation?
(this a required field)

the possible aswers are: Don't use, Less than 1 hour, From 1 to 2 hours, From 2 to 5 hours, From 5 to 10 hours, More than 10 hours

3. Traffic perception

Do you believe that car traffic is too heavy?
(this a required field)

How affected are you be pollution
due to traffic?
(this a required field)


Data submit

All fields in red should be filled in.

Free Penguins

"Free penguins" slogan at zoo benefit concert causes confusion among city rockers. Adjective or verb?
Free Penguins - read more

More City Parks

More parks and more green space throughout the city at the price of already rare car parking spaces; how will this affect you?
City Parks - read more