Re: New web accessibility advocacy video -- please comment on rough cut [via WAI-Engage: Web Accessibility Community Group]


You sold me by using jazz! Who is the vocalist? I liked the described
audio. Is it captioned?

I could see this being played immediately before a presentation, as folks
come into a room, or during breaks in a loop.

Unsure of your timing, but if you could launch this on May 9 (I know it's
close) to coincide with Global Accessibility Awareness Day, that would be
great. If not, I look forward to it going live, and to getting folks

This is another way to reach people (especially jazz lovers) who wouldn't
ordinarily get our attention.


Jennison Mark Asuncion
Co-Director, Adaptech Research Network
LinkedIn at
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Accessibility Camp Toronto

Received on Saturday, 5 May 2012 12:00:46 UTC