Re: Fw: Re: On HTML AAM deliverable

On 01/09/2016 19:34, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> Leonie,
> I would like to clarify my response.
> I had not known about the fact that joint deliverables was not an option
> for WebPlat, and that there might be a FO if a joint deliverable was
> included, at the time I wrote this response. So, I was thanking you for
> the clarification.

We hoped it wouldn't have to become a thing in the context of this 
discussion. Amicable agreement is always preferable, and the concerns 
about joint deliverables are across the board of our charter not this 
one deliverable.

> Regarding doing "work in one place" I believe that depends. In the case
> of SVG2 accessibility that did not work. The SVG working group did not
> have accessibility people on their team and the dependent ARIA Core AAM
> and accName AAM had to be modified to handle be extensible enough to
> handle the SVG host language in addition to HTML. For now, the joint
> effort is a better option. Depending on a critical mass of accessibility
> people, the state the project is in, etc. really depends on the ability
> of a group to do something on its own.
> Accessibility does not always have to only happen in the accessibility
> space but at times it does. If all things were good a group would
> address accessibility from the get go but as you I am sure you know,
> from consulting, accessibility can often be an afterthought and
> professionals may need to be brought in and when that happens they may
> need to split their time from other projects.

This is very true. With the same people involved in editing wherever the 
work is done, my belief is that we'd have the same level of confidence 
in the spec no matter which WG was parent.

> It is fortunate that HTML has some highly skilled accessibility
> advocates in its group.

Thanks Rich, that recognition is appreciated.


@LeonieWatson Carpe diem

Received on Friday, 2 September 2016 08:03:47 UTC