Bizcase comments

"An accessible Web also benefits others, including older people with
changing abilities due to aging."

I would hope that the division between PWD (Persons With Disabilities) and
the ageing be avoided where possible. We belong to the DRM (Disability
Rights Movement) not so much because we are experiencing sensory/social
diminishments, but because we clearly have aged and that is as noticeable as
a wheel chair.

"The five pages, called a "resource suite", are designed to help develop a
customized business case for Web accessibility for a specific organization."

Might make this more emphatic: "This five part resource suite is intended to
enable integration of Web Accessibility (as described in WCAG) into the
process of building a Web presence that is compliant with various

More about all this on the call.


Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 13:11:26 UTC