Re: PLEASE RESPOND Final cleanup, I need to make sure everyone is OK

On 27/09/2017 12:31, David Singer wrote:
> Some responses to this would be appreciated.
> We intend to ‘freeze’ top-of-tree during AC review, so the document at remains unchanged. Issues and pull requests that land as part of AC review will be held (or a branch will be made) so the AC has a consistent document to comment on.

Makes sense. Suggest taking a branch as the stable snapshot, and 
allowing subsequent edits to happen on the default branch.

> 1) Leonie proposes removing the somewhat-redundant word ‘public’ before ‘working draft’ EXCEPT in the phrase First Public Working Draft, since all WDs are by definition public. See <>, responding to <>. OK?

+1 (obviously).

> 2) <> and <> make the change to the process to restore the formal ballot at Proposed rec instead of at CR. Implements the decision on issue #34. Do we need the process to say that nonetheless the AC will be given early comment opportunity (around CR)?

Have commented on the PR. I don't understand the logic of reverting to a 
ballot at PR, but if I'm the only one who thinks this I'm not going to 
die on this hill because of it.

> 3) There are a few other editorial issues and pull requests, see <>. Do you mind if we land these ASAP before AC review starts?
Yes, go for it.

@LeonieWatson carpe diem

Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2017 17:28:18 UTC