Re: Suggested response to the Yandex "cannot iive with loosening of TAG participation requiremens"

Just my 2cts:

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 09:12:35AM +0300, Daniel Glazman wrote:
> I have similar stories to tell. In certain circumstances, employers
> push on employees' shoulders. Even if it's possible in the TAG, I think
> the structure of the TAG makes it almost impossible for such employers
> to impose a view that is not consensual anyway. And it's considerably
> harder in public www-tag.

Once upon a time, W3C had restrictions on the number of employees of 
a given company in a Working Group. This limitation has disappeared
a long time ago, while formal voting still has one company = one vote
anyway. It does not make sense to continue the bikeshedding for ages
for a special case that happened only once in many years. The simplest
rule is to let the person at least continue until the next election so 
that no new election is needed. She/He can still resign voluntarily
if she/he chooses to do so. Should the relaxed rule cause an issue in
the future (when another case arise in 15years?), it would be ok to 
holler and revise.

Received on Thursday, 16 April 2015 07:30:52 UTC