w3process-ISSUE-137 (rationalise heartbeat): Rationalise the heartbeats in chapter 6 and 7 [Process Document]

w3process-ISSUE-137 (rationalise heartbeat): Rationalise the heartbeats in chapter 6 and 7 [Process Document]


Raised by: Charles McCathie Nevile
On product: Process Document

The heartbeat section in chapter 6 requires publication of one spec every few months. Most groups have public drafts of their specs available all the time, and showing what is going on is no longer as complex as it was in 2005.

There is also a "should" in chapter 7 about how groups should publish periodic Working Drafts.

Suggested resolution: remove the heartbeat section from chapter 6 and rely on the chapter 7 statement

Received on Tuesday, 16 September 2014 11:13:48 UTC