Re: Comment tracking for navigation-timing CR [Was: Re: publishing new WD of URL spec]

On 9/12/14, 5:27 AM, Stephen Zilles wrote:
> Is it this last piece that you find overly burdensome?

_I_ am not finding anything overly burdensome personally, because I am 
not myself trying to issue errata.

I am trying to get working groups to issue errata, and my observation is 
that they generally push back on this pretty strenuously.  My conclusion 
is that they perceive some part of the errata-issuing process to be 
overly burdensome.  You'd have to ask them what exactly the burdensome 
part is and how to make it less burdensome.

If you want me to speculate past what I can actually observe, I believe 
it's simply a matter of priorities and incentives.  Making sure errata 
happen expeditiously is a top priority for WHATWG specs (in fact a basic 
premise of the whole "living specification" setup), but a complete 
non-priority for W3C ones.  As far as I can tell, there are no 
incentives inside the W3C process or organization for actually issuing 
errata, so it's just perceived as extra work for no benefit.


Received on Friday, 12 September 2014 12:28:19 UTC