Welcome to W3CHINA.ORG Open Translation Project for W3C Documents.

HI, everyone, 

I am very pleased to announce that W3CHINA.ORG has lanuched
an Open Translation Project(OTP). 

The goal of the project is to have even more W3C documents
be translated in Chinese (both simplified and traditional)
and then, if appropriate, be submitted to W3C. 

The Open Translation Project(OTP) is running on a wiki
site(http://www.transwiki.org/), which enables everyone to
make his part of contribution to a translation. A
translation will be finished in a collaborative manner and
the the quality of translation will be guaranteed by the
public and a especially committee.

We expect your involvement in the project. You may visit the
site via the following URIs:


Email: webmaster at w3china.org,
	w3china_org at hotmail.com

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Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 23:49:49 UTC