Mail Archives

Discussion list on W3C technologies of interest to the Web community of native Chinese speakers. Messages could be written in Chinese (simplified or traditional characters) or in English. Chinese discussion contents will be summarized regularly by the W3C Office in Hong Kong and forwarded to W3C.

Contact for subscription matters.

本邮件列表为以中文为主要沟通语言的人士提供一个讨论W3C技术的空间。 邮件内容可以中文(繁体或简体)或英文发表。 W3C香港办事处 将定期把当中以中文发表的内容总结和向W3C反映。

有关加入本邮件列之事宜, 请联络

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period re-sorted messages
December 2010by threadby authorby subject1
April 2006by threadby authorby subject1
March 2006by threadby authorby subject1
February 2006by threadby authorby subject1
January 2006by threadby authorby subject1
December 2005by threadby authorby subject1
November 2005by threadby authorby subject1
October 2005by threadby authorby subject1
September 2005by threadby authorby subject1
August 2005by threadby authorby subject1
July 2005by threadby authorby subject1
June 2005by threadby authorby subject1
May 2005by threadby authorby subject3
April 2005by threadby authorby subject3
March 2005by threadby authorby subject4
February 2005by threadby authorby subject4
January 2005by threadby authorby subject2
December 2004by threadby authorby subject1
May 2004by threadby authorby subject4
April 2004by threadby authorby subject2
March 2004by threadby authorby subject1
January 2004by threadby authorby subject1
December 2003by threadby authorby subject5