W3Cx, https, ARIA, Emmy award, 1st W3C AC meeting, TBL on Open Source, Shawn Henry on WAI

This is the 7 - 14  December 2015 edition of the "weekly digest  of news and trends" that the W3C Communications Team prepares for the W3C Membership and public-w3c-digest mailing list [1]. 

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-w3c-digest/

1) W3C, Web and HTML5 related Twitter trends
[What was tweeted frequently, caught my attention, etc. -  with most *popular* first  (popularity in this context via  the Topsy “more” notes relevance count)]

8 December 2015
@thew3cx: Learn game programming with #HTML5. Week 2 of the @w3c HTML5 Part 2 course is now open! kwz.me/ME
(with 54 more interactions)

10 December 2015
Curso en línea de HTML5 creado por el W3C. ¡Hoy es un buen día para aprender! bit.ly/1TBQIEj pic.twitter.com/KGnbRxNIEK
(translation: "Online course created by the W3C HTML5.Today is a good day to learn!”)
(with 30 more interactions)

10 December 2015
ARIA in HTML W3C Working Draft 10 December 2015 w3.org/TR/html-aria/ - Rules for using ARIA in #HTML5
(with 18 more interactions) 

9 December 2015
Achievement unlocked: 20 years of participation in @W3C... Officially reaching dinosaur status, proudly.
(with 7 more interactions)

8 December 2015
Huh! Apparently, @W3C won an Emmy for "Standardization and Pioneering Development of Non-Live Broadband Captioning”! emmyonline.com/category/techn…
(with 6 more interactions)

2) Other news: (open web and net neutrality)

*   Tech companies urge Congress to drop fight against net neutrality rules
11 December 2015
Ars Technica
by  Jon Brodkin

*   Mozilla’s newest app perfectly captures the ethical dilemma of ad-blocking
8 December 2015
The Washington Post 
by Brian Fung

3) W3C and W3C technologies in the Press (or blogs)
4 articles
[Most recent first. Find keywords on our Press clippings page: http://www.w3.org/Press/Articles ]

*   This Week In Tech History: Personal Computing And Product Code
14 December 2015
by Gil Press

excerpt: [[December 14, 1994
The first meeting of the Advisory Committee of the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is held at MIT. Tim Berners-Lee in Weaving the Web: “The meeting was very friendly and quite small with only about twenty-five people. Competitors in the marketplace, the representatives came together with concerns over the potential fragmentation of HTML…if there was any centralized point of control, it would rapidly become a bottleneck that would restrict the Web’s growth and the Web would never scale up. Its being ‘out of control’ was very important.”]]

*   TED RADIO HOUR: 'Open-Source World’
10 December 2015
by Nadine Maloney

*   Why HTML5 matters to your business
9 December 2015
The Drum
by Andrew Windle 

*   Privacy Pioneer Lorrie Cranor named CTO at FTC
8 December 2015
Direct Marketing News
by Al Urbanski

*   Understanding Web Accessibility Standards: A Conversation with W3C's Shawn Henry
2 December 2015
Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology

Amy van der Hiel
32 Vassar Street, G532
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
phone: +1.617.253.5628

Received on Monday, 14 December 2015 22:11:11 UTC