duplicate properties or duplicate content?

Hi there,
Is there any way in RFDa to gather related property values that are distributed across the document?

Example: `addressLocality` and `streetAddress` in:

On their Earth-wide tour the Kronos ensemble “Art Is a Weapon” will guest on 9 May 2315 at Warsaw’s Och-teatr to perform Wil'yam Shex'pir’s “Hamlet” in original Klingon language.
Address: Grójecka 65, begin 20:00

For “Warsaw” and “Och-teatr” I would open a `location` container:

<article typeof="TheaterEvent" vocab="http://schema.org/">
       <span property="location" typeof="PerformingArtsTheater">
           <span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
               <span property="addressLocality">Warsaw</span>’s
           <span property="name" lang="pl">Och-teatr</span>
       to perform
       <span property="workPerformed" typeof="CreativeWork">…</span>

The `location` container has to be closed because it’s followed by information that belongs into the `workPerformed` container.

In the next paragraph, `location` information continues:

       <span property="location" typeof="PerformingArtsTheater">
           <span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
               <span property="streetAddress"><span lang="pl">Grójecka</span> 65</span>, …

Using the `performance` predicate twice does not mean that their object nodes are identical, does it? Is there any way to make them the same?

Or would I have to notate all `location` information in one place, using `meta` elements?

<article typeof="TheaterEvent" vocab="http://schema.org/">
       <span property="location" typeof="PerformingArtsTheater">
           <span property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
               <span property="addressLocality">Warsaw</span>’s
               <meta property="streetAddress" content="Grójecka 65"/>
           <span property="name" lang="pl">Och-teatr</span>
       to perform
       <span property="workPerformed" typeof="CreativeWork">…</span>

And no further RDFa attributes down below?

Address: <span lang="pl">Grójecka</span> 65, …

That would mean duplicated content: “Grójecka 65” appears twice. Is there any way to avoid this?


Received on Tuesday, 5 May 2015 06:21:58 UTC