1st Keystone Summer School: Keyword Search over Big Data

Apologies for any cross-posting

1st Keystone Summer School: Keyword Search over Big Data
Malta, 20-24 July 2015

The 1st KEYSTONE Summer School is one of the key objectives of the KEYSTONE
COST Action IC1302 (http://www.keystone-cost.eu).

The summer school's main theme is that of *Keyword Search over Big Data* and
will be a research-training event for graduates and postgraduates in the
first steps of their academic career. It aims at giving participants
in-depth exposure to the exciting and fast-developing areas related to
Keyword Search over Big Data.

The school will be held in Malta between the 20th and 24th of July and will
consist of keynote talks, lectures and hands-on sessions delivered by
renowned academics and experts in the fields of Big Data mining, Semantic
Web, information retrieval and other related areas. During the sessions the
speakers will explore a large spectrum of current exciting research,
development and innovation related to various research areas and society

The list of topics includes:
i. Ontologies and their use in Information Retrieval
ii. Large scale and high dimensional issues in data indexing, processing
and mining
iii. Data provenance and quality
iv. Text Representation for data mining
v. Search, exploration and analytics of evolving data
vi. Compression techniques and linked data

The school is being organized by the Department of Intelligent Computer
Systems in the Faculty of ICT (http://www.um.edu.mt/ict) within the
University of Malta in collaboration with KEYSTONE.

As an event organized by a COST Action, the school does not require any
registration fees. Nevertheless, the participation is subject to
registration: a limited numbers of seats will be made available.

A limited number of grants - 500 EUR - will be available to a number of
eligible participants (approximately 20 MSc/MPhil/PhD students and Early
Career Investigator - up to 8 years after receiving the PhD). Registration
is now open <http://keystone.opendatamalta.org/?page_id=10>.

If you need further assistance please do not hesitate to contact the
Charlie Abela (charlie.abela@um.edu.mt)
Joel Azzopardi (joel.azzopardi@um.edu.mt)

Dr. Mauro Dragoni
Post-Doc Researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK-IRST)
Via Sommarive 18, 38123, Povo, Trento, Italy
Tel. 0461-314053

Received on Friday, 17 April 2015 10:02:30 UTC