blank nodes with (name || description) vs. rangeIncludes: Text


I started writing script for converting microformats2 JSON[1] into
JSON-LD. Microformats gave me impression (which may change) of using
URIs and textual labels in bit confusing way, it also uses implied
properties[2]. This reminded me about issue #51 on github -
"JSON-LD context problem for properties that can take both URL or Text"[3]

I would like to know what people thing about recommending use of *blank
nodes* with schema:name properties instead of specifying
schema:rangeIncludes schema:Text

Following example

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "SportsTeam",
  "name": "San Francisco 49ers",
  "member": {
    "@type": "OrganizationRole",
    "member": {
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Joe Montana"
    "namedPosition": "Quarterback"


  "@context": "",
  "@type": "SportsTeam",
  "name": "San Francisco 49ers",
  "member": {
    "@type": "OrganizationRole",
    "member": {
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "Joe Montana"
    "namedPosition": {
      "name": "Quarterback"

This way pretty much everything with at least rangeIncludes: Thing could
use blank node with has free form text in *description*

  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Article",
  "license": {
    "description": "You need to suffer and read this license text
yourself because I didn't use URI of some commonly recognized license :P"

I must admit also not getting difference between rangeIncludes: URL and
rangeIncludes: Thing . I understand that we always can choose if we
provide URL directly or embed object with { "@id": "..." }



Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2014 11:11:25 UTC