Re: [Proposal] schema:NotApplicable

Proposals like this always remind me of Little Bobby Tables.


On 09/20/2014 07:27 AM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
> On 09/20/2014 03:39 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:
>> Q: What's worse than having a property
>> applicable to
>> A: Having every Volcano description include { "faxNumber": "NotApplicable" }
>> Do you have particular scenarios in mind where this would be needed,
>> e.g. around nationality/tax/vat?
> IMO just having such expressive capacity doesn't have to lead to its
> abuse. To give another real world example
> {
>    "@context": ""
>    "@type": "Person",
>    "@id": "",
>    "name": "Franciscus Jorge Mario Bergoglio",
>    "jobTitle": "Pope",
>    "spouse" : "NotApplicable"
> }
> While an edge case, I see such knowledge less obvious comparing to
> 'Volcanos have no faxNumbers'.
> Myself I choose to live #stateless without going through bureaucratic,
> procedures to formalize it. I know quite few people who also live
> stateless and many more who seriously consider making such step. I also
> know at least one person who went through the hassle of geting certified
> stateless status
> Currently I don't see clear way of publishing such information in
> documents describing us. I must agree as for today people can consider
> #stateless community a rather small minority.
> I see value in general in having possibility to mark some properties as
> NotApplicable. If I just omit them, system consuming them and needing
> such information, could put me on a *Request additional information*
> list. While if I clearly state N/A I have bigger chance to end up on
> *Outside of our target audience* list. So for example dating services
> would not spam the Pope with offers, without needing to make him an
> exceptional case.
> Once again, if term NotApplicable sounds confusing, maybe some other
> mechanism could serve same purpose?

Received on Sunday, 21 September 2014 15:39:50 UTC